Draft beer is one of the most profitable things that a retailer can sell. In this case, you can maximize your business’s profitability by investing in a draft beer system. Furthermore, you can combine the beer dispensing solution with a beer-friendly program for maximum appeal and profits. This post shares vital details to help you make a well-informed decision.
Why Do You Need a Draft Beer System?
In the competitive beer industry, you must maintain your customer base while attracting more customers by serving fresh and delicious beer. This is what makes draft beer system installation a crucial aspect of your business. Some of the importance of having the dispensing system include:
Fresh and Delicious Beers
A professionally installed draft beer system ensures that the beer lines are always clean and that your kegs are properly pressurized. Besides, it ensures that the taps are in good working order, keeping your beer fresh and delicious every time.
Less Waste
The best draft systems are designed to eliminate foam and stale beer waste. Equipment problems, inadequate pressure, unreliable temperature regulation, and unsanitary taps are the main culprits in beer wastage. Luckily, draft systems can eliminate this problem by keeping your products fresh, reducing the risk of sellable products going to waste.
Customer Loyalty
Craft beer sees continuous growth in popularity, and customers have more choices of brewers and drinking spots. At this point, you must distinguish yourself from the competition by serving fresh, cold, and well-poured beer in your area.
More Profits
Operating a bar or restaurant requires you to stay on top of the game and ensure you have a reliable flow of income. Maximizing your profits is one of the best ways to thrive in this industry, and a draft system can help with that. By serving fresher and tastier beverages, customers will be happy to order more than one drink, leading to more sales. Furthermore, minimal wastage allows you to sell more units out of each beer.
Peace of Mind
Installing a draft beer system is a huge investment that provides significant returns in the long run. High-quality equipment ensures a properly functioning and optimized beverage system for years to come. Besides, routine cleaning and maintenance ensure optimal functionality, giving you the ultimate peace of mind. This helps you better serve your customers and ensure they have the best experience at your bar or restaurant.
Compliance with the Law
Every state has laws governing the sale and consumption of alcohol. If you do not comply, you could face hefty fines and penalties. However, professional draft system installation ensures 100% compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
How to Protect the Profitability of a Draft Beer System
Installing a draft system is one thing, but maintaining its profitability should also be a priority. The best way to increase the profit per beer is to ensure that the system is installed and maintained with the ultimate professionalism. Maintaining balance prevents your system from creating excessive foam, which is a waste of sellable products and lost profit. A properly installed system prevents foaming and overpouring, protecting your profits. In addition, routine cleaning earns your customers’ loyalty by serving fresh drinks every time they visit your business.
Choosing the Right Draft Beer System
Your bar or pub is only complete if it has a superb draft beer system. Therefore, you must make a well-informed decision to ensure you’re installing a piece of worthwhile equipment. This starts by knowing the type of system that suits you best. Your decision depends on the volume you serve and brand diversity. The following are popular options available on the market:
Direct Draw Draft Beer Systems
As a self-contained refrigeration unit, direct draw draft systems can be installed in a walk-in cooler or commercial keg box. The system is regulated by a thermostat that keeps temperatures at the right levels for optimal performance.
The best thing about the equipment is that it’s easy to set up. It fits directly beneath the bar or back bar. You can have one at each station or one for the whole bar. The beer is dispensed from the refrigerated cabinet, eliminating the risk of complications when dispensing over long distances. In addition, beers are offered in medium-sized containers, making it easier to change brands.
Remote Draw Draft Beer Systems
This system stores beer in a walk-in cooler in the back of the store. Beer is dispensed through special lines to the tap handles in the bar. It has a system of controls, monitors, and pumps that allow you to operate it even from a few meets away from the counter.
The draft system allows opening more faucets and selling more brands. This makes it the ideal option for a high-volume bar. As a result, you can meet your customers’ demands quickly, earning their loyalty and maximizing revenue.
Add-On Features to Your Draft Beer System
Depending on your bar’s or restaurant’s needs, you might consider investing in some add-ons to your draft system. For instance, a Glyco-dedicated cooling system will be effective in keeping your beer fresh and cold. It also prevents your beer from foaming, so you get to sell every bit.
Per line pressure regulators are also an ideal investment. They improve your system’s performance and prevent wastage. They achieve this by effectively adjusting pressure zones.
Turbo taps are a good option for high-volume bars. They extend to the bottom of the glass, allowing beer to pour onto itself. It allows the beer to fill quickly, so you can serve more customers.
In addition, you can invest in glass rinsers. They spray clean water into glasses to ensure no residual fluid is left before pouring another beer. They are a great add-on if your bar serves a large selection of craft beers on tap.
Bottom Line
Installing and maintaining a robust draft system is the best way to enhance your operations and maximize your profits. Besides, investing in beer-friendly glass programs earn customer loyalty, helping you thrive in the competitive market.